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Tick Tock Time!


Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I last posted a blog, but I am glad to say I am starting again. It's been quite the journey the past year. A major part of that was TIME.

Time has such a big impact on our lives. We can feel so rushed sometimes with time and other days we can feel like time is going in slow motion. I am here to tell you time is a blessing and gift. We have 24 hours each and everyday and within that 24 hours each and ever hour is new. What will you do with your time?


The days that feel like time is going by to fast for yourself:

-Take a 10 minute break (or as much as needed) and relax

-Self care

-Be in the present moment

The days that feel like time is going by to slow for yourself:

-Exercise (Motivate yourself)

-Learn something new

-Be social

When you feel like your slacking with your time:

-First things first, get off your butt!

-Play some jams

-GET THINGS DONE THAT NEED TO BE DONE, (trust me you will feel so better afterwards)

When you feel like you need more time:

-Remember some days its ok not to get everything done, don't rush yourself so much that you're freaking out

-You always have tomorrow

-Give yourself a much needed break


God distinguished between light and darkness and this marked the beginning of time. God blessed us with time. Learn to value your time because it's amazing gift. What are you spending your time on and is it adding or taking away from your life?


Update on myself:

I've maintained a healthy weight and got lots of muscle back.

I started to play fast-pitch again. I'm trying lots of more things that I would have never done before. Confidence and my motivation still continues to grow. I have had some trials thrown in through the past year but I keep pushing through and come out stronger. I have helped many others with their struggles and that's something I enjoy.

Advice from me to you: You were put on Earth for a reason. Show the world your amazing talents because everyone is talented in their own ways. You can do anything you set your mind to. Start little and keeping pushing yourself, sooner or later you will be somewhere in your life you never expected. Enjoy each and everyday. Appreciate the little things. Your here right now and you have time to make your dreams come true so do it.

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